
片岡鉄哉(Tetsuya Kataoka)

1933年、栃木県に生まれる。スタンフォード大学フーバー研究所研究員。早稲田大学政経学部卒業。シカゴ大学大学院政治学部博士課程修了。1969年ニューヨーク州立大学政治学部助教授、1982年筑波大学歴史・人類学系教授に就任。1984年スミソニアン・インステテューション Woodrow Wilson Center fellow







それから三十年の年月が経ったニ○○一年のある日、合衆国議会図書館から一通の手紙が届いた(写真参照)。若い私がアレント先生の助言を求めて提出した博士論文のプロポーザルが、先生の文通コレクションの中からでてきた。このコレクションを議会図書館で保存するので、私の書いたものの版権を譲渡してほしいというのだった。 実は、私はアレント先生とそんな文通をしたことも忘れていたのだった。大変な名誉を喜ぶとともに、今さらながら三先生と自分の軌跡が交叉したシカゴ時代の価値をかみしめているところである。




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Tetsuya Kataoka

片岡鉄哉画像Tetsuya Kataoka is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Before his appointment as a Hoover fellow, he was a professor of political science at Tsukuba University in Japan.

A political scientist by training, Kataoka is in charge of the Japanese Studies Program at Hoover. His areas of concern are security and international relations in East Asia, the diplomatic history of U.S.-Japanese relations, Sino-U.S.-Japanese relations and social development, and political modernization in Japan.

His most recent publication is America in Retreat: New Isolationism and a Threat to Japan (in Japanese) (Tokyo: PHP Research Institute, 1995).

Kataoka recently finished a manuscript dealing with the origin of Japan's postwar political system that unlocks the secrets behind Japan's single-minded pursuit of economic growth. Currently, he is working on U.S.-Japan trade disputes, 1981-1988. He is a regular columnist for Jiyu-Minshu, a journal of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, and is an occasional contributor to the Asian Wall Street Journal.

His past publications include The Price of a Constitution: The Origins of Japan's Postwar Politics (Taylor & Francis, 1990); Waiting for Pearl Harbor: Japan Debates Defense (Hoover Institution Press, 1980); Resistance and Revolution in China: The Communists and the Second United Front (University of California Press, 1974); and numerous articles in English and Japanese.

He has three times been the recipient of joint research fellowships from the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies. In 1983, he was a fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

He has taught political science at Vassar College and the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Kataoka received his B.A. in economics from Waseda University in Tokyo in 1955. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in political science at the University of Chicago in 1967.

